Search results for: “india”
In India
On the 23rd of July my mother, brother and I transported ourselves to Intriguing India by the enjoyable ecstatic Emirates economy. Introduction As we exited the airport, I realized that my body started to leak water. It was quite strange since this didn’t usually happen. It felt like the suns radiation was going to turn me…
0028 – Harmony in Design and Rituals
Reflecting further on my recent trip to India, two separate thoughts struck my mind. The first one is about symmetry. Does symmetry make architecture beautiful? What is it about certain buildings that make them so captivating? Is it their shape, colour, or the way everything comes together? Interestingly, symmetry is often a big part of…
0027 – Context vs Discovery
The Impact of Context on Your Travel Experience Today, while out for an evening walk, my mind wandered to a project I’ve been immersed in: reconfiguring and designing my blog for the past few weeks. This led me to reflect on my recent trip to India, where I explored North India more extensively than before…
0019 + 0020 – My Dual Perception of Mahabharat (2)
This post is part of a series on the Mahabharat Epic. If you want to find the other parts, click here. These posts are all about my thoughts regarding the Epic and the greatest thing for me is the ability to connect with you, so, share your thoughts and opinions and let’s learn about this…
0016 – Rituals
Introduction Alright, so yesterday was a very special day for us. It was Vinayaka Chathruti and that’s a famous celebrated festival in India where we take blessings from Lord Ganesh(one of the God’s) and sit as a family to pray together and listen to the famous story. The process is long but all-in-all, the festival…
0015 – Make Time
Today has been a busy day with the celebration of Vinayaka Chathruthi (a famous Indian festival), so I have decided to post a blog from the past which is my notes from a discussion I tuned in to on YouTube. Books Mentioned: 1) Make Time – John Zeratsky2) Getting Things Done – David Allen3) The…
0012 – Mahabharat Misconceptions (1)
This post is part of a series on the Mahabharat Epic. If you want to find the other parts, click here. These posts are all about my thoughts regarding the Epic and the greatest thing for me is the ability to connect with you, so, share your thoughts and opinions and let’s learn about this…
KARSID’s Favourite Airlines
I love travelling, and I guess many others do too. However, there is no destination without a journey and that’s where flights come in. These magnificent machines can stretch you from anywhere in the world, while you enjoy the cool refreshments, spectacular landscapes, vast range of movies and games and finally, wanting to get out…
A Travel Guide to Tirupati
Tirupati, the magnificent city and spiritual capital of millions of worshipers and the Lord Venkateswara himself, is the birth to incredible history, passionate beliefs and one of the richest temples in India. Worshippers from the entire stretch of India and even foreigners travel here to witness the unique experience themselves. Particularly, they come to visit…
Humanity vs Worldwide Pandemics
In history, humanity has faced countless challenges of which, we all worked together to find a path of success. One of the categories of challenges faced, is Pandemics. This is something which has both devastated the economy yet also presented the power of humanity against worldwide catastrophic pandemics. So, here is a list of detrimental…